Monday, November 22, 2010

Cyborg Project

This is our latest project we have done in digital design I. We called this our cyborg project. In this project we took a picture of ourselves and then either took chunks of ourselves our of burned some of our skin and then took different pictures off the internet to make it seem like we are made of different robotic parts. I used a webcam as my eye, a part of an airplane engine for my mind, and then part of a car engine for the side of my face. Then i burned around my eye and my forehead and then cut out a part of my face to make it look like its falling off. I was kinda happy with this but I was kinda unsure about what I was exactly doing

Monday, November 1, 2010

Whats on your mind?

Me and my fellow classmates in Digital Design I just made another photoshop picture. In this project we had taken a picture of ourselves (or a past used one which I used) and then our goal was to make it seem as if objects are popping out of our heads. The objects were to be objects that are either hobbies or sports or something that we think about all the time. I used running objects because I run track and cross country and I am an all around runner. First we selected a background and then we could either make a hole in our head or make it seem like our head was cracked open. Next we got different pictures off of the internet and then applied it to our photoshop document. After that we then positioned them to make them seem they were popping out of our head. Next for the images just coming out of our head we used the burn tool to make the images kind of have a shadow. I was actually very happy with this project, I think it grasped what I am and have been thinking about.