Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Art Poster

In digital design I me and my class made a poster for another class that is offered in our school. Our class did painting class. To do this project we had to design a poster to advertise for the class. To make the poster I took a picture of paint buckets and then put text on it to make it look like they were labeled onto the bucket. Next I put a black border around the poster and then just put the word paint around the edge in different types of text colors. One problem that I had with this project was getting the text to wrap around the buckets like I wanted them to. I am just happy about the project, it isnt anything very special but I dont think that its half bad, just a kind of short and sweet poster.

Friday, December 10, 2010

movie poster

Our next project in my digital design 1 class is our movie poster project. In this project we had to make a movie poster out of an original picture that we take and then transform it into a movie poster. For mine I took a picture with a flashlight to make a shadow effect and then I took another picture of my self with a fake knife and then made that picture a silioquy so it would look like a shadow. We also had to come up with our own title, tagline, and rating of our movie. I was kinda happy with this project but the one thing that I would fix is the lighting. I would have more light so I could get more light on my "shadow", so it would show the whole body.